Tampa area photo classes scheduled! Photo tip - Fill the Frame!
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March 10, 2016
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We've been listening to all of your requests, and we're very excited to announce we've scheduled our first photography classes of 2016!  

In honor of our upcoming classes, we thought we'd offer up a weekly photo tip to give you a sample of what you will be learning in class.

This week's tip is: Fill the frame.  We find most new photographers are fearful of coming in close to a subject and filling the frame.  However, when you do come in close to a subject you're able to capture something you cannot capture when your subject is lost in its surroundings.  When you come in close, you're able to capture more of the emotion and the viewer feels like they are a part of the moment.  There is an intimacy that develops between the viewer and the image.

Fiiling the frame also gives you the opportunity to be creative with composition (placement of the elements in a photo).  When you carefully choose your composition, the result can be quite evocative.

So don't be shy!  Get in there and Fill the Frame!  You won't be sorry.  You will conquer your fears and possibly capture beautiful portraits in the process.

Ready to get started?  Click here for information about our photography classes and to get registered, and feel free to share with your fellow Tampa Bay Area photographers.  We look forward to seeing you in class soon!  And you can look for another photography tip in our blog next week.  

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