Why are Family Portraits Important?
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October 03, 2019
By Angela Clifton Photography
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The Value of Family Photos

Family portraits… at some point in our lives, we’ve all seen them displayed somewhere – perhaps at a grandparent’s house or beside your family’s dining room table. We see them so frequently that we forget how important they truly are, especially in a modern era with cameras at our fingertips. The phones we carry with us everywhere are equipped with powerful cameras that make capturing pictures easy – but, even so, this doesn't replace the need for a professional photographer. Professional family portraits are a beautiful way to honor your loved ones in a photograph capturing your best qualities and displaying them for everyone to see for generations to come. Read on for our top three reasons why family portraits are so important.

1) Watch your family grow through photographs. 

Perhaps it begins with a wedding photo that becomes a family portrait of three... which expands to a family of four. Then, slowly as time passes and children age and begin to have little ones of their own, the portraits eventually feature more and more wonderful people. It's amazing to look back on life and see where it all began – and is a fantastic reminder of gratitude.

2) Immortalize a moment in history. 

Our lives are filled with milestones -- there are big ones such as the first day of kindergarten and graduation... and yearly ones such as birthdays and holiday seasons. Scheduling a family portrait around one of these memories helps to freeze the moment in time.

3) Create a gift for everyone that lasts a lifetime. 

There are very few things we keep with us forever than pictures. Couches, technology, toys, trinkets and decor can be sold, donated and replaced frequently. However, up upon a mantle or hung along a stairway will always remain family photos. Even when we pack up and move somewhere new, we get rid of material items – but pictures stay. There is something beautifully unique about photographs – because they aren’t truly a “material” belonging, but a piece of our family story. For years and years, and decades and decades, we keep these images to serve as reminder of how far we've come and our how journey has always included each other. 

As life continues on, moments fly by so quickly. It’s a truly beautiful thing to be able to capture these memories with those who matter most and display them in your home. Family portraits will forever be a wonderful tradition that showcases growth, immortalizes history and lasts for generations. Moments that Last a Lifetime.

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